Acest site este cofinanțat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operațional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013. Investește în oameni!  
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The INSEED project aims to create a modern framework for training and skills forming in higher education in science, design and services management (SPMS) and to promote innovation in service industry based on a model of open, continuous education and cloud type distributed computing infrastructure with virtualized resources and accesible as services, interconnected at European structures.
WP2.4. Defining, developing and training a new interdisciplinary multi-regional program to continue university studies in science, design and management of systems for services, based on TI, in correlation with National Qualifications Framework in Higher Education

Specific activities year I:

  • A2.4.1. Organizing study visits and training courses at universities and R-D centers in the country and abroad for the teaching staff involved in the development of master study programs PMS si SEM
  • A2.4.2. Making a program of training workshops, conferences, presentations of methods, tools, solutions, case studies in: systems for services, service oriented architectures, software as a service, with the participation of TI companies for the benefit of teachers PMS si SEM
  • A2.4.3. Organization of the international seminar: "Education, Skills and Human Capital for the Service Sector"
  • A2.4.6. Organizing exchanges of experience and best practices at universities abroad for the staff of the INSEED consortium with management functions and quality assurance for programs of continous university studies in SPMS

Specific activities year II:

  • A2.4.1. Organizing study visits and training courses at universities and R-D centers in the country and abroad for the teaching staff involved in the development of master study programs PMS si SEM
  • A2.4.2. Making a program of training workshops, conferences, presentations of methods, tools, solutions, case studies in: systems for services, service oriented architectures, software as a service, with the participation of TI companies for the benefit of teachers PMS si SEM
  • A2.4.4. Organization of the international seminar: "Service Links with R&D and Science Base" (year 2) and of international Workshop: "Fostering Innovation in Healthcare Services" (year 2)
  • A2.4.6. Organizing exchanges of experience and best practices at universities abroad for the staff of the INSEED consortium with management functions and quality assurance for programs of continous university studies in SPMS

Specific activities year III:

  • A2.4.1. Organizing study visits and training courses at universities and R-D centers in the country and abroad for the teaching staff involved in the development of master study programs PMS si SEM
  • A2.4.2. Making a program of training workshops, conferences, presentations of methods, tools, solutions, case studies in: systems for services, service oriented architectures, software as a service, with the participation of TI companies for the benefit of teachers PMS si SEM
  • A2.4.5. Organizarea Seminarului cu participare internaţională: "Intelectual Property Rights and Service Innovation" (year 3)
  • A2.4.6. Organizing exchanges of experience and best practices at universities abroad for the staff of the INSEED consortium with management functions and quality assurance for programs of continous university studies in SPMSS

