Acest site este cofinanțat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operațional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013. Investește în oameni!  
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The INSEED project aims to create a modern framework for training and skills forming in higher education in science, design and services management (SPMS) and to promote innovation in service industry based on a model of open, continuous education and cloud type distributed computing infrastructure with virtualized resources and accesible as services, interconnected at European structures.

INSEED project aims at achieving collaborative partnerships for training of skills to graduates that will work across different service systems and promote innovation services with following objectives:

  1. Support and promote, by the partners, of the open, continue education model in Science, Design and Management Services (SPMS) regarding initial and continuing training of specialists with skills in creating, designing, implementing, operating and managing systems (CPIOMS) of complex services, based on TIC;
  2. Use the partners of the new master programs, specialized modules and training programs in science, design and management services ( as a specific means of initial and continuing training of specialists in CPIOMS for complex services with TIC support;
  3. Partner's usage of Continous Training Programs FC1-FC16 (, organized by UPB and its partners in the consortium INSEED as a means of updating and improving the specific expertise of the staff in the areas of computerized systems for automatic control and management of processes and services sector;
  4. Jointly using by partners of Cloud computing platform type IBM CloudBurst with virtualized resources accessed as services , configured by UPB under the INSEED grant as open, interactive, collaborative space, INSER@SPACE e-learning and to promote service innovation;
  5. Usage, by the partner universities, of technologies, tools and software for the computerization of services, developed and promoted by consortium partners, within courses and practical activities of its initial training programs (BA and MA) and continous training developed by the consortium partners according to the SPMS model of INSEED project, for creation of skills for service innovation;
  6. Effective use of technologies, tools and software developed or promoted by partner companies during lectures and practical activities perfomred in initial training programs (master's compact modules of specialization: ( and continous training developed by the consortium partners according to the SPMS model of INSEED project, for creation of skills for service innovation;
  7. Partner companies and universities in the EU agree to take appropriate actions and measures to facilitate internships and RD in order to develop students' dissertation projects in the undergraduate and Master.
  8. Partner companies and EU universities will appoint its own staff for guidance internships and dissertation projects.
EU universities and universities of the consortium will appoint teachers who will benefit from mobility, internships and visits to universities for cooperation in order to promote innovation strategies of services through research and development.