Acest site este cofinanțat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operațional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013. Investește în oameni!  
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The INSEED project aims to create a modern framework for training and skills forming in higher education in science, design and services management (SPMS) and to promote innovation in service industry based on a model of open, continuous education and cloud type distributed computing infrastructure with virtualized resources and accesible as services, interconnected at European structures.

INSEED Scholarship



Student's Name Year/Faculty Dissertation topic
Jica Alexandru III / Electronics and Telecommunications Documentation on the university study of science of design and management services - in Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology
Voinic Andreea Vanessa III / Electronics and Telecommunications Study on new occupations, emerging, in various service sectors in Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology
Cornuș Victor Alexandru I / Electrical Engineering Expertise services of electrical equipment and installations and Metrological Assurance
Ilie Lucian III / Electrical Engineering Expertise services of electrical equipment and installations and Metrological Assurance
Vârvara Adriana Iuliana I Master / Energetics Termoenergetical Audit
Stoica George I Master / Energetică Case Studies in Industrial Services (discrete manufacturing, repetitive goods) and supply chains
Ghiață Ivan I Master / Energetică Electroenergetical Audit
Dobre Răzvan I Master / Automatică și Calculatoare Study on Functionality, Hardware Architecture and System Software Management of Cloud Services
Radu Călin III / Automatică și Calculatoare Study on Functionality, Hardware Architecture and System Software Management of Cloud Services
Loredana Marsilia Groza III / Automation and Computers Case Study Regarding Manufacturing
Turcu Irina Nicoleta I Master / Automation and Computers Study on Key Functions for Innovation in TIC and Automation Services
Toader Roxana Cristiana I Master / Automatică și Calculatoare Services Modelling
Andron Radu Gheorghe II / UTBv / Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Study on Key Functions for Innovation in TIC and Automation Services
Modorcea Doru Alexandru IV / UTBv / Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Study on Functionality, Hardware Architecture and System Software Management of Cloud Services
Fechete Alina II / UTBv / Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Case Study Regarding Manufacturing
Matei Alexandru IV / UTBv / Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Study on an integrated theory about services systems
Hossu Roxana I Master / Automation and Computers Services Oriented Architectures in Manufacturing, based on Intelligent Product concept
Oprea Mihai I Master / Automation and Computers Energy management and green computing
Mănăilă Cristian I Master / Automation and Computers Security management system in Cloud