Acest site este cofinanțat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operațional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013. Investește în oameni!  
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The INSEED project aims to create a modern framework for training and skills forming in higher education in science, design and services management (SPMS) and to promote innovation in service industry based on a model of open, continuous education and cloud type distributed computing infrastructure with virtualized resources and accesible as services, interconnected at European structures.

Academy of Economic Studies trains specialists in 10 degree programs: economic informatics-IE (1), economy-E (9) providing expertise in important economic area:  budget, finance, investment, banking, accounting, financial management, marketing, business processes, of 3 master programs to deepen and of 29 additional master programs. The three forms of education: bachelor, master and doctoral are incorporated in continous flow according to Bologna model. ASE has rich experience in management and participation in projects implemented at local, regional, national and international level. ASE is currently involved as coordinator or partner in more than 230 projects won through competition, at national and international level . Also, Partner 2 shows a significant experience and expertise in business management,through organized international conferences, produced scientific papers and participation in various projects in partnership with the business or business financed. The strategic plan of activities is based on the premise that ASE university must build and strengthen the reputation of an environment in which obtained scientific results are not only significant, but it supports also the collaboration with industry, by transfer of results. Strengthening and expanding partnership with enterprises is a constant strategic objective, having the expected results not only the skills required by thge eceonimc environment, respectively integrating up to 100% of its graduates on the labor market, but also increasing the contribution to economic growth through innovation activities.

The skills of ASE team are: curricular reform, implementation of university studies, R-D, Competenţele echipei ASE: reformă curriculară, implementare studii universitare, C-D, entrepreneurial culture, management of finance, quality and bussiness processes in organizations.
