Acest site este cofinanțat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operațional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013. Investește în oameni! |
The INSEED project aims to create a modern framework for training and skills forming in higher education in science, design and services management (SPMS) and to promote innovation in service industry based on a model of open, continuous education and cloud type distributed computing infrastructure with virtualized resources and accesible as services, interconnected at European structures. |
Afiliations at diferrent European Networks
Participation of INSEED at Enterprise Europe Network
Enterprise Europe Network helps small bussiness to maximize their profit on the European Market, involving local organizations. It can offer support for:
- Developing of bussiness on new markets;
- Supplying or offering of licences for new technologies;
- Acces to the financial sources of European Union.
The Network has almost 600 member organizations from whole European Union and not only. These include commerce and industry chambers, technology centers, universities and development agencies.
There are 2 universities from INSEED consortium that take part of Enterprise Europe Network: University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest and University Transilvania from Brașov.
INSEED affiliation at TM Forum
TM Forum is a non-profit industrial associon at global level, that allows innovation to the services suppliers. The Forum brings together thought-leaders and delivers thought-changing analysis and revolutionary approaches to address industry issues, from macro market trends to pragmatic technology challenges. As services scale, the Forum brings together experts in competencies such as customer experience management, data analytics, business process optimization, revenue management, and more to establish business standards, best practices and practical tools to continuously optimize provider operations.
As a result of joinning the TM Forum, the registered experts from UPB have the following facilities:
- registration in on-line communities, open to all members, such as: Business Process Framework (eTOM), Cloud Services, Developers Community, Enabling New Services Initiative, Frameworx Architecture, Policy-Based Management, Product & Service Lifecycle Management, Service Level Agreement Management, Software Enabled Services (SES) Management etc.;
- engagement in a collaboration project for production of interfaces, frameworks and user guides, or in a Catalyst demonstration project, that lasts 4-6 months and is focused on the problems faced by the services suppliers among the collaboration between several companies;
- contribution with resources at Frameworx projects, dedicated to the satisfying TM Forum's strategic objectives.
Afilierea INSEED la Societatea internațională a profesioniștilor în inovarea serviciilor (ISSIP)
The International Society of Service Innovation Professionals (ISSIP) is an international professional society for innovation in the services domain. It promotes the professional development, education, research, practice, and policy work of its member individuals and institutions working hard to improve our world’s diverse, interconnected, complex service systems. Advances in information technology and policy support the rapid scaling of new service innovations in health, education, government, finance, hospitality, retail, communications, transportation, energy, utilities; even in advanced agricultural and manufacturing systems viewed as socio-technical systems, in which community-oriented recycling behaviors improve the economics, sustainability, and resilience of these human-serving systems. ISSIP connects different professional associations sustaining their conferences and publications, linking members from academic environment, industry, governmnet and social zone.
The five main objectives of ISSIp are described as follows:
1. Promote service innovation professional development and enhance career path opportunities of members.
2. Promote service innovation education and life-long learning opportunities of members.
3. Promote service innovation research and access to open data sets for all types and levels of service systems.
4. Promote service innovation practice, especially new tools and standards for the global community of practice.
5. Promote service innovation policy advocacy to enhance safety, security, sustainability, resiliency, etc. of service systems.
Participation of institutes from INSEED consortium in EU Cluster Observatory
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest and University Transilvania of Brașov can be found in cluster list of EU Observatory. In december 2012 UPB profile was updated and was enclosed in the categories of classic services and services for green economy.
The transfer of research results in services at international level (case studies)
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